Thursday, June 26, 2008

Knowledge Economy = Knowledge + Economy?


Knowledge Economy =

Knowledge + Economy?

Author : Evi Widiarti

Editor : William

Knowledge Economy, hmm……what kind is this? If separated knowledge and economy, knowledge its mean information about something and economy is always regarding to money, politic and company. So when these both of term have combined to be Knowledge Economy that’s still the same meaning? I think its May? (Maybe yes, maybe no..: D).

In my opinion, Knowledge Economy is a vague term, but I think knowledge is based on economy. In case of economy for people life. For example someone who has many knowledge, maybe they’re have high education or many experiences in their life, usually they have good economy (much money) than people who didn’t have many knowledge.

The basic of knowledge is language. We talk with other people used language. We learn something that we have to know about it with the language. For example, when we want to know about computer programming, we have to know about language program that computer can identify. Nowadays, the language is must have you can used, it is English. We cannot deny if English is become International language. When people wishing to improve their knowledge, their connection and their carrier, they have to understand about English. Its mean, good knowledge in English = good economy in your life?

Are all the people who used or born in English speaking country, whether economy have well in their life always?.

Hmm….not realy. I think its depends on of the people effort in their life and the fortune in their life. Many people in English speaking country are a poor people too. So, that’s mean we have to take action and have high effort to make our dream come true and have good economy in our life.

Some people say, knowledge is a prison and don’t know much is liberate. Because some people have many knowledge has feel afraid to do something and they just afraid to failed. But sometimes some people that don’t know much they more brave to try something. For example, Bill Gates he drop out from his University and decided to learn about computer and make some experiences and now it has been success. He isn’t much to know about computer before but he always learn again and again. And he never knows about in the future that he will become success person or not. And some people who has graduated from University sometimes afraid to begin to work or experiment because of thinks over and much plan, but not at all, its just some people.

What about your dreams? Become person with many knowledge and has brave heart to something in your life and have good economy in your life, or become person isn’t know much for anything? The choice was in you.


*The initial foundation for the Knowledge Economy was first introduced in 1966 in a book by Peter Drucker.

For further information about the Knowlegde Economy on Wikipedia:

Monday, June 9, 2008

Bookoopedia, online bookstore in Indonesia has launched

The book industry in Indonesia now still grow up, one by one online bookstore build by people or company that concern about the selling books. The pioneer this online bookstore is We have to confess that Mr. Bezos is brilliant man in this era because he buil online store for the big market;internet.

One of the online bookstore in Indonesia that newest is They build about 3 month ago, in West Jakarta. And they have a new concepts with the payment that called Pay global one (PG-1), This concepts like e-wallet, you do not need a credit card to use it, just a debit card and you can controlling all the transaction and all the expenses you have to shop. For now, only two bank that you can use, Mandiri Bank, and BCA bank.

In Bookoopedia, you can find many a new books, book review, best sellers book in Indonesia, and you also become a writer in bookoopedia, here the link when you wishing to be a writer,

FYI, in bookoopedia, there is no charge for the shipping cost, in around Indonesia. Well I think this is very beneficial for the customers.

You can read all the book collection before you decided to buy, and you can participate to review your favorite book in the official wesite of Bookoopedia.

As you may know, the book is like a new window to know more about any knowledge that you want it. And you can know about book in Indonesia in Bookoopedia.

Wanna try? Just click and go!


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