Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Al-Qur'an Surah

Darftar Nama Surah Al-Qur'an

Dari Syaamil Al-Qur'an

1. Al-Fatihah (Pembukaan)
2. Al-Baqarah (Sapi Betina)
3. Ali Imran (Keluarga Imran)
4. An-Nisa (Wanita)
5. Al-Mai'dah (Hidangan)
6. Al-An-am ( Binatang Ternak)
7. A-A'raf (Tempat tertinggi)
8. Al-Anfal (Harta rampasan perang)
9. At-Taubah (pengampunan)
10. Yunus
11. Hud
12. Yusuf
13. Ar-Ra'd (guruh)
14. Ibrahim
15. Al-Hijr (negeri Kaum samud)
16. An-Nahl (Lebah)
17. Al-Isra (memperjalankan di Malam hari)
18. Al-Kahf (gua)
19. Maryam
20. Taha
21. Al-Anbiya (nabi-nabi)
22. Al-hajj (haji)
23. Al-Mu'minun (orang2 yang beriman)
24. An-Nur (cahaya)
25. Al-Furqan (Pembeda)
26. Asy-Syu'ara (Para Penyair)
27. An-Nam (Semut)
28. Al-Qasas (Cerita2)
29. Al-Ankabut (laba-laba)
30. Ar-Rum (bunga rumawi)
31. Luqman
32. As-Sajdah (sujud)
33. Al-Ahzab (golongan yang bersekutu)
34. Saba' (kaum saba)
35. Fatir (pencipta)
36. Yasin
37. As-Saffat (Yang ber shaf-shaf)
38. Sad
39. Az-Zumar (rombongan-rombongan)
40. Al-Mu'min (orang yang beriman)
41. Fussilat (yang dijelaskan)
42. Asy-Syura (musyawarah)
43. Az-Zukhruf (perhiasan)
44. Ad-Dukhan (kabut)
45. Al-Jasiyah (yang berlutut)
46. Al-Ahqaf (bukit-bukit pasir)
47. Muhammad (Nabi Muhammad SAW)
48. Al-Fath (kemenangan)
49. Al-Hujarat (Kamar-kamar)
50. Qaf
51. Az-Zariyat (Angin yang menerbangkan)
52. At-Tur (Bukit)
53. An-Najm (bintang)
54. Al-Qamar (bulan)
55. Ar-rahman (yang maha pemurah)
56. Al-Waqi'ah (hari Kiamat)
57. Al-Hadid (besi)
58. Al-Mujadilah (wanita yang emngajukan gugatan)
59. Al-Hasyr (pegusiran)
60. Al-Mumtahanah (perempuan yang diuji)
61. As-Saff (Barisan)
62. Al-Jumu'ah (hari jum'at)
63. Al-Munafiqun (orang2 Munafik)
64. At-Tagabun (hari ditampakkannya kesalahan-kesalahan)
65. At-Talaq (talak)
66. At-Tahrim (mengharamkan)
67. Al-Mulk (kerajaan)
68. Al-Qalam (kalam)
69. Al-haqqah (hari kiamat)
70. Al-Ma'arij (Tempat2 naik)
71. Nuh (Nabi Nuh)
72. Al-Jin (Jin)
73. Al-Muzzammil (orang yang berselimut)
74. Al-Mudassir (orang yang berkemul)
75. Al-Qiyamah (Hari Kiamat)
76. Al-Insan (Manusia)
77. Al-Mursalat (Malaikat yang diutus)
78. An-Naba' (Berita besar)
79. An-Nazi'at (Malaikat2 yang mencabut)
80. 'Abasa (Ia bermuka masam)
81. At-Takwir (menggulung)
82. Al-Infitar (terbelah)
83. Al-Mutaffifin (orang2 yang curang)
84. Al-Insyiqaq (terbelah)
85. Al-Buruj (gugusan Bintang)
86. At-Tariq (yang datang di malam hari)
87. Al-A'la (yang paling tinggi)
88. Al-Gasyiyah (Hari pembalasan)
89. Al-Fajr (Fajar)
90. Al-balad (Negeri)
91. Asy-Syams (matahari)
92. Al-Lail (malam)
93. Ad-duha (waktu matahari sepenggalan naik)
94. Al-Insyirah (Kelapangan)
95. At-tin (buah tin)
96. Al-Alaq (segumpal darah)
97. Al-Qadar (kemuliaan)
98. Al-bayyinah (Bukti)
99. Az-Zalzalah (kegoncangan)
100. Al-Adiyat (kuda perang yang berlari kencang)
101. Al-Qari'ah (hari kiamat)
102. At-Takasur (Bermegah megahan)
103. Al-Asr (masa)
104. Al-Humazah (pengumpat)
105. Al-fil (gajah)
106. Quraisy (suku Quraisy)
107. Al-Ma'un (barang2 yang berguna)
108. Al-Kausar (nikmat yang banyak)
109. Al-Kafirun (orang2 Kafir)
110. An-Nasr (pertolongan)
111. Al-Lahab (gejolak api)
112. Al-Ikhlas (memurnikan keesaan Allah)
113. Al-Falaq (waktu subuh)
114. An-Nas (manusia)

Free Your Mind

Free Your Mind

Sung by: Maliq n d’essential
Album Free Your Mind

Free ur mind
Soul devine
Dig that to your heart
Show ur love
Coz it’s beautiful

(Come on come on come on)
For the highest time of your life
(Come on come on come on)
For the precious time of your life..oh

Free ur mind..ur soul
Ur love get down to the rhythm
Let it fly
Coz love will find a will find a way

Feel the sky heart won’t lie
For everything u denied
Show ur love
Coz it’s wonderful

(Come on come on come on)
For the precious time of your life..oh

Tell me what is going on between u&i
Let me take u by the hand and fly away
Love will always find a will find a way

(free ur ur soul)
Uh...u gotta free ur love
U know u gotta let it free
U know u gotta let it free
Free ur mind


Law of Attraction, The Secret & Quantum Ikhlas

Bogor, 2nd January 2008

Law of Attraction by Michael J. Losier, maybe some people was often to hear regarding this, this book is one of the International Bestseller. I read this book in Indonesian version and become one of the my new collection books in 2008. Maybe be better if I read from original book but I cannot found the original version in Indonesia, but even though I read in another version I can catch the spirit from Losier when I read this book. This is not only about gravitation but in all our whole life, in everything, our life. This is about what the people realy wants in their life. Sometime some people never know about the realy want in life. So why people did not success, the reason is they cannot understand about the realy they wanted.

In this book, Losier try to explain about how can people understand about they realy want in their life by contras. Yes, contras or opposite about the things. Like and dislike, wanted and unwanted. You can make the list about your like and dislike by list form, and the form you can get on the Law of Attraction website: You can make 500 list about that, and then you must erase list about the thing that you hate and you only have the list everything you want. Its easy? Hehehehe..maybe better you read this book by your self.

The second book….Ups..maybe I was late to review about this. The spectacular book in 2007. Oprah review this book in her tv show..and give the good comment, and every books store, reader books mailing list etc, The Secret succeed become a hot gossip. I will not review about The Secret by Rhonda Byrne, I just talk about the same thing of two books, the Secret between Low of Attraction. When you have been read the both, you can found The Secret also talk about Law of attraction, the differenciency is; in The Secret Rhonda Byrne interview the famous people to talk about this. For further information about this book you can visit, you can get an empty check and fill it with everything you want to fill, 100 Million Dollar? 1000 Million or more? Anything.. and the how can you reach the check become reality? You better read the book page by page and understading with all the speaker said.

Quantum Ikhlas by Erbe Sentanu , the latest book from Indonesia, I have no yet finished read this book, but this book has the same spirit with the both book beforehand particularly with The Secret. I just listen AMAZING Focus from the CD. This book completed by CD, Amazing Focus apply for people who want to concentrate or before to do something with the clear mind. The CD content is the sound of birds, water fall, sea.. froks…musics..relaxing, sometime I sleep when I listen this CD..:D. I cannot explain more about this book, but if you want to know more you can visit :, and, but ufortunately the website only in Indonesian version…

Ok..thats enough for now, I will tell about another book if I have money to buy new books..hehehhe… and continueing about the Quantum Ikhlas when I finished read this book.



Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year...2008!

Bogor, 2nd January 2008

Trettett...trettettt....Happy New Year 2008!

Yeah.., this is New year eve..2008, new plan, new books, new spirit..and I wish new sallary..hehehe..:D

When I remembering about my life in last year, i realized that I was made some big mistakes in my life, but sometime we cannot controled everything, anything happen..just happening.. 2007, I have many experiences that imposible to forget..

But, at least I still life as I believe & on the right track to wolk on by my life

Just let it flow...ok?


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